20.10.2020 • 
Social Studies

100 POINTS PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS It's about the McCulloch v. Maryland case.

Case background
1. Identify the plaintiff and defendant in the case.
2. Explain why the case was brought to the Supreme Court.
3. Describe the goal of each side in the case. What type of decision was desired?

Constitutional connections
4. Explain the key rights or amendments involved in the case.
5. Did the case primarily center on an issue of civil rights or civil liberties? Explain.

Case outcomes
6. Describe the majority decision of the court and several arguments as to why the justices ruled the way they did.
7. If there was one dissenting decision of the court, explain it in detail. Why did some justices disagree with the majority?
8. What precedent was set by the court’s decision? What impact did it have on American society?

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