25.11.2021 • 
Social Studies

9. The following is an example of the Entrepreneur Myth O a. The greatest misunderstanding about leadership is that people think it is based on position, but it's
O b. They see needs and understand how to meet them in a way that produces a profit. But not all of them
are good with people.
c. A widespread misunderstanding is that leading and managing are one and the same.
O d. Another misconception is that anyone who is out in front of the crowd is a leader,
10. The following is an example of the Position Myth
a. Being a trendsetter is not the same as being a leader.
O b. Neither IQ nor education necessarily equates to leadership.
O c. A widespread misunderstanding is that leading and managing are one and the same.
O d. It's not the position that makes the leader; it's the leader that makes the position.
11. The following is an example of the Intuition leadership factor
O a. True leadership always begins with the inner person.
O b. You are a leader only if you have followers.
O c. Leaders seek to recognize and influence intangibles such as energy, morale, timing and momentum.
o d. The greater the challenges you've faced as a leader in the past, the more likely followers are to give
you a chance in the present.

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