02.08.2021 • 
Social Studies

A homeowner looked out his front window one day and saw a neighbor standing on a narrow ledge on the second story of the house across the street. He also saw a ladder lying on the ground beneath where the neighbor was stranded. The homeowner ran out and picked up the ladder and placed it against the side of the house. However, he set it atop a patch of ice. As the neighbor started down the ladder, a rotten rung broke and he fell to the ground and was injured. If the neighbor sues the homeowner for damages for his injuries, will he recover?

A) Yes, because the homeowner's action caused the injury to the neighbor.
B) Yes, because the homeowner assumed the duty of aiding the neighbor.
C) Yes, because it was foreseeable that the neighbor would be injured as a result of the homeowner's negligent conduct.
D) No, because the homeowner's negligence did not cause the injury to the neighbor.

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