01.12.2021 • 
Social Studies

Adolescence is the period of life from about age 13 to the early 20s During which a young person is no longer physically a child but is not yet an independent, self-supporting adult. New York city and the boroughs have seen a huge uptick in gun violence committed by young adolescence. The question of whether teenagers are legally responsible for their actions raises a host of interesting questions 1. If teenagers have impaired, judgment, and lack the ability to control impulsive behavior, can they be held responsible for any of their actions? 2.- Where should the line be drawn? 3. Should a person with high testosterone levels be legally culpable for any violent acts they might carry out? 4. How much of our behavior is biological, and how much is personal choice? 5. What are other social factors that might contribute to gun violence? You are presenting a paper on the Psychology of Adolescence to your Borough President. It is recommended that you write a 4 page paper (including reference page) based on the questions above.

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