30.09.2019 • 
Social Studies

Answer the definitions:

this is the presiding officer of the house of representatives and is chosen from the majority party in the house.

this is the presiding officer of the senate who is from the majority party and who serves as the leader when the vice-president of the united states is absent.

this means to formally reprimand a member of congress or the federal government for their actions. it has no force of law.

this is the name given to a member of a legislative body whose job is make sure his political party stays unified when debating and voting on bills.

this is the term for a congressional procedure that is used to limit or quickly end debate on issues before the senate. it requires the support of 60% of the senate.

this only forms when the senate and house of representatives pass different versions of the same bill; members of both houses meet to work out the differences.

this governmental position is both a member of the executive branch and is also the constitutional leader of the u.s. senate.

this is a type of committee that is found in both houses of congress and are permanent panels in every session.

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