08.09.2021 • 
Social Studies

B. Adding On, Rather than Starting Over. In 1873 a new constitution was proposed, but the voters of the state rejected it. Learning from that experience, leaders tried a different approach-mendevents
In 1912, voters adopted 33 of the 41 proposed amendments to the 1851 Constitution. Additional changes
and updates have occurred since 1912, but none at the scale of 1851 or 1912.
Read through a sample set of amendments proposed in 1912 and guess which ones passed (put an X).
leaving the rejected amendments blank.
Grant women the right to vote in the
state of Ohio
Expand the state's bill of rights
Establish a minimum wage
Give the governor a line-Item veto in
appropriation (spending) bills
Use voting machines in elections
Allow for voter-led initiatives and
Strike the word "white" from the 1851
Constitution's definition of voter
Abolish the death penalty
Lesson Activities - Side
Allow for home rule of municipalities
Chairs Inc

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