27.04.2021 • 
Social Studies

Directions: You are the owner of a single facility bakery in Decatur, Illinois. Your products are famous among the locals. People come from nearly 50 miles just to taste your multicolored, multi-flavored, low-fat bread. Having created such a successful product, you have decided to expand your current distribution strategy. This year’s distribution goal is to enable every bread eater in the United States the opportunity to purchase your bread. In order to reach this goal, you must decide how to deliver your bread to every American.

On an additional sheet of paper, prepare a plan which would enable the shipping, selling and distribution of your bread nationwide. Be sure to include the following details in your plan:

1. What is the nature and environment of the product being shipped?
2. What channels and methods of distribution are best for this product?
3. Which outlets should handle the bread distribution directly with the customer?
4. Are additional bakery locations needed; If so, where should they be added?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of adding more locations?
6. How does distribution of your product add value to the goods, services and intellectual property of your company?
7. What type of distribution strategy would work most effectively; Indirect, direct or both?
8. How many channel members are needed for this plan?
9. What specifics regarding handling, shipping and storing must be included in the plan?
10. What is the cost associated with the distribution?

Optional EXTRA CREDIT: You may also chart the physical distribution plan using maps and icons to represent each channel member’s location and purpose. Establish timelines and schedules of distribution.

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