19.10.2021 • 
Social Studies

Had the idea to find a new trade route to the by sailing to get gold
and spices.
• Exploration sponsored by and
• Landed along the coast of .
• Called the native people of these places because
he thought he was in Indies.
• Concentrated on the search for .
- explorer, successfully found gold and
jewels in Mexico.
Hernando de Soto set out to claim land in America for . He landed in
and headed west. After he died during the journey,
one of his men, , continued on to Mexico and
claimed land for Spain.
claimed parts of what is
now the American Southwest for Spain.
Giovanni da Verrazano, an Italian, was hired by the in the
1520s. He sailed along the eastern shore of North America, exploring the coasts of North
Carolina, New York, New England, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and what is now Canada. He
hoped to find a - a water route to China
through North America.
explored Canada in the
1530s, also looking for a Northwest Passage. He tried to start a colony in the area of what
is now , but found the climate impossibly harsh. He sailed
up the , thinking it might allow
him to get all the way to China, but he ran into ice and rapids, and had to stop. He didn’t
find the Northwest Passage, but he did claim land for .
was an English sailor who brought a Dutch
expedition to North America. He explored a river near what is now New York City, and
became interested in trading with the Indians of the area. The
is named after him

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