03.12.2021 • 
Social Studies

Match the term on the left with its definition on the right: __ Acceleration A. This is a change in velocity per time. __ Balanced Forces B. This is a measure of resistance to motion, by an object. __ Direction C. This is what causes acceleration. Two forces acting opposite each other. __ Force D. This says the acceleration of an object increases by the force applied to it, and decreases based on its mass. __ Friction E. In the second law of motion it is Mass X Acceleration. The ability to apply a change in velocity on a given object. __ Gravity F. This is a force which resists all motion. __ Inertia G. This is the sum of all the forces applied to an object. It is usually separated into a horizontal and vertical component. __ Motion H. This is a change in the position of a body with respect to time relative to a reference point. __ Net Force I. A law of motion that states that an object at rest stays at rest and one in motion stays in motion. __ Newton J. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. __ Newton's First Law K. This is the SI (metric) unit of force. __ Newton's Second Law L. This is an object's change in motion per unit time in a specified direction. __ Newton's Third Law M. This is the line, or path along which something is moving, pointing, or aiming. __ Speed N. This is how fast or slow something is moving, and it does not take into direction. __ Unbalanced Force O. These are equal and opposite forces that do not cause a change in position or motion. __ Velocity P. This is an attractive force between any two objects due to mass.

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