06.12.2020 • 
Social Studies

Moths and Butterflies Have you ever wondered about the differences between a moth and a butterfly? The first thing you have probably noticed is that butterflies tend to be prettier. They are usually brightly colored. Moths are usually white or gray.
The two insects also look different when they are resting. The wings of moths are open and folded over their back. It looks like the long train of a wedding gown! Butterflies, on the other hand, hold their wings together when resting. It can look like they have only one wing!
Other differences are not as obvious. the two insects are active at different times. Butterflies are generally most active in the daylight hours, whereas moths are most active at night. Moths are also drawn to light sources, while butterflies are not. If you ever forget this, you can think of the old expression that means to be strongly drawn to something: "like a moth to a flame"!

Read the following sentences from the passage.

They are usually brightly colored. Moths are usually white or gray.

Which linking word or phrase best connects these two sentences?
In contrast,
In addition,

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