15.07.2019 • 
Social Studies

Parrots are supposed to be very smart. they solve piagetian object permanence tasks, which evaluate an organism's understanding that objects continue to exist even when these objects are outside of the organism's perception. object permanence scales are ordinal scales, from stages 1 (understanding limited) to 6 (full understanding). constanza byzantia wonders if parrots are better in their ability to solve object permanence tasks when they can see their mate than when they cannot, and so she evaluates parrots' abilities under two conditions: in one condition, the parrot can see its mate, and in the other condition it cannot. she has half the parrots do the "see mate" condition first and then the other one, the other half of the parrots do the "don't see mate" condition first and then the other one. what test should constanza byzantia use?

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