07.10.2021 • 
Social Studies

Part 1 True False Structuralism was an early school of psychology that emphasized studying the most basic components, or structures, of conscious experience. True False William James was an American philosopher and psychologist who was instrumental in establishing psychology in the United States and whose ideas became the basis for psychological school called functionalism. True False The issue of heredity versus environment is the same the nature-nurture issue and refers to the debate over which is more important, the inborn characteristics of the individual or the impact of the environment. True False Empirical evidence is evidence that is the result of observation, measurement, and experimentation. True False A theory (or model) is a tentative explanation that tries to integrate and account for the relationships of various findings and observations. True False Descriptive methods are research strategies for observing and describing behavior and include naturalistic observation, surveys, case studies, and correlational studies. True False Results of a study may be statistically significant but not have any practical significance or importance. True False A case study is an intensive, in-depth investigation of

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