21.02.2020 • 
Social Studies

Pat and Angel are sociology professors, and parents of an eight-year old child. They have read a lot lately about the effects of screen-time on young children and the potential that playing certain video games can lead to aggression. They decide to conduct a study to explore this relationship.
First, they get a list of all the zip codes in their attendance area and look up census data to get average income and race/ethnicity distribution. Then they get a list of all the elementary schools in their district. From there, they select one-half of the eight schools that best match the characteristics of the entire attendance area. They contact the principals at those schools and ask permission to conduct their research at their schools - their focus will be on fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. With the principals' permission, they send letters to the parents explaining the purpose of the study, the procedures, and ask the parents' if they would be willing to participate. Those who are willing return a signed informed consent form for both their child(ren) and themselves.

The principals' hold a meeting with the teachers of those grades and the researchers who explain the procedures: on a given day, all the students with signed permission slips will stay in the classroom during lunch and recess to complete a brief questionnaire about the playing video games (e.g. what games they play, for how long, or how often; lunch will be provided at no cost to the school for those students who stay); the teachers will read from a script about the purpose of the study, and that all responses will be completely anonymous (no one will ever know who completed which survey; the completed surveys will be deposited in a locked box, like the ones used for elections, and only opened by the researchers); and that the survey should take about 10-15 minutes.

The researchers send a similar questionnaire to the parents of the children who are completing the survey, asking about their child(ren)'s video gaming and about their behavior immediately after playing, specifically whether they exhibited any aggression.

After the researchers collect all the questionnaires, they enter and analyze the data. They also schedule several interviews with students in each grade level at each school, and their parents. The interviews are conducted separately so that the children and parents are not together. Their goal is to gain a better understanding of the data they have collected and to probe farther about the relationship between playing video games and aggression.

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