PLEASE ONLY ANSWER IF U HAVE THE ANSWER I would like students to take time to reflect on their opinions of what occurred in Washington DC on January 6th. I will pose some questions and students may respond to as many or as few as they would like. They may write in paragraph form, if students would like to write a poem they may, if they create a piece of music they could upload upload to canvas, or upload a piece of artwork to canvas. I would accept any of these option for this assignment.

Possible ideas to respond to.

- Based upon what you have seen, heard, discussed, learned about in class: how did this event make you feel?

- What do you think went wrong?

- Could this have been prevented, how?

- President elect Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th. In your opinion how should our government proceed in regards to President Trump in the remaining days of his presidency. Here are some ways the government could proceed. Pick an option and explain your thinking.

Option 1

- Do nothing, another person has been elected and will be taking over on January 20th only twelve days away at this point,

Option 2

- Congress should impeach Trump which is allowed by the Constitution.

Option 3

Trump should be removed using the 25th Amendment.(I will review this Amendment in class with students).

- In your opinion will this event unify the country or increase tensions, explain your opinion.

- If there is something else students would like to write about students should feel free to ask me or express their opinions on what happened. This assignment will be a participation grade. Remember respond to at least one, but feel free to express an opinion on as many as you would like. I will not share these with classes unless somebody would like to show off their work.

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