05.03.2021 • 
Social Studies

Pot Read the following text and then paraphrase the information in the space
belowe Author F. Scott Fitzgerald called the 1920s "The Jazz Age. African
Americans gave the world jazz music glossary term (opens in a new
window)during this time. Early versions of this music had been played in
New Orleans, Louisiana, since the late 1800s. However, it was in New York
that modern jazz developed. *
Your answer
Read the following text and then paraphrase the information in the space 1 pont
below. By 1920. New York City had the largest African American population
of any northern city. Between 1917 and 1925, around 200.000 African
Americans moved there. They came for the city's jobs in industry. They also
were attracted to the political social and cultural activities in the uptown
neighborhood of Harlem. During the Great Migration glossary term (opens
in a new window). New York's Harlem became known as the black capital."
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
and Marcus Garvey glossary term (opens in a new window)'s UNIA had
headquarters in Harlem. Well-known civil rights activists such as W.E.B. Du
Bois lived there. During this period, jazz music became popular in Harlem.
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Read the following text and then paraphrase the information in the space
belowe Author F. Sc

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