28.05.2020 • 
Social Studies

Since 2008, the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian interest
group, has promoted an annual event known as Pulpit Freedom Sunday. On this
occasion, pastors are encouraged to challenge a provision of the tax law known as
the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits political activity by certain nonprofit
organizations, including religious organizations. While the Johnson Amendment
does not restrict religious leaders from speaking out regarding social issues, it does
prohibit them from contributing money to political campaigns or speaking out in
favor or against candidates running for political office.
On Pulpit Freedom Sunday, as an act of civil disobedience, pastors and religious
leaders preach openly about the moral qualifications of candidates seeking office.

After reading the scenario, please respond to (a), (b), and (c) below.

(a) Referencing the scenario, describe an action Congress could take to address
the concerns of the interest group, and explain how partisan divisions
could prevent this congressional action.

(b) Referencing the scenario, explain how a restriction imposed by the Johnson
Amendment relates to the legal questions addressed in the Supreme Court's
case of Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010).

(c) Describe a liberty found in the Bill of Rights that the interest group
referenced in this scenario feels is threatened. Explain how this group
might use the judicial branch to try and influence a change in this policy.

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