So, this is just a metaphorical question. there is this girl that was born into a family where there is this genetic trait given to all the girls. they are all super seductive and can successfully seduce almost anyone; but can't themselves bc its something that they were born with. the mom tried to break the chain, but failed. same with her mom before that. as a result, they both are now in multiple relationships and everything is a mess (the grandmother of this girl had about 25 ex husbands, and the mother had multiple flings as well as a boyfriend). the girl born with this genetic trait was adopted into a new family at a young age; however, it didn't take long for her to figure out this trait. in case your a bit confused, it is literally a genetic trait. the mother of the past family wasn't very pretty, and i don't know if she dressed modest or not, but the daughter is not pretty at all, doesn't have any special personality, dresses is baggy t shirts and old, stained jeans, and has done everything in her power to pull herself away, and even to purposely make herself ugly, yet still most of the guys and girls she comes in contact with have crushes on ever since she was in 2nd grade! now she is trying to break the chain and already is beginning to fail, just like her mom and generations before what would you do to prevent becoming like the mom and her mom and every woman in the family if it was you? (as i said before this isn't real, its just a metaphorical situation. i am just curious)

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