04.11.2019 • 
Social Studies

This week you will be selecting and submitting your proposed ms word research paper and powerpoint topic. you may select any topic related to an area of historical interest (person, place or thing). a partial list of topics is included below. you will need to select one topic and write a 1 paragraph overview of how your presentation will be structured, topics to be explored, and your methodology for conducting your research. your instructor will grade your overview and either approve your topic or ask you to clarify and resubmit your overview.

note: you cannot use a topic or paper that you have used in another course.

topic suggestions: you may choose any topic of interest that explores the background and history of a person, place or thing, but, must gain official approval from the professor. here are some suggestions below, but, i welcome any idea of your own as long as you may be able to find enough research material to support the development of your powerpoint presentation.

history of zumba
history of dance theatre (or specific theatre group)
history of modern dance
history of motown
history of hip hop
history of reggaeton
history of yoga
history of kung fu
history of tai chi
history of argentina
history of venezuela
history of china
history of brazil
any other relevant educational topic
musical artists and groups
career area of interest
sport or entertainment company
other topic

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