25.09.2021 • 
Social Studies

Two individuals go on a hunt. Each one may choose to hunt either a deer or a rabbit. One can successfully hunt a rabbit but it is less valuable than a deer. However, in order to successfully hunt a deer, they need each other's cooperation. The two hunters agree that they would hunt a deer together. While waiting to spot a deer, hunter A sees a rabbit within shooting range. If hunter A shoots it now, we could say he wouldn't miss. But, in case a deer is nearby, it would be scared off by the gunshot and they would miss the opportunity of a much more successful hunt.

(Above is a modified version of a situation described by the political theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The original version, with its various implications, can be found in The Stag Hunt and the Evolution of Social Structure (2004) by Brian Skyrms)

1. If you were hunter A, would you adhere to the agreement to hunt a stag (which is less probable but more valuable) and miss out the opportunity to hunt a rabbit (which is more probable but less valuable)? Why?

2. What stage of moral development do you think reflects your choice?

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