Which of the following resulted from trade between nomadic people of Central Asia and civilizations of India during the Vedic Age? (1 point) The people of the Vedic Age died from new diseases
The people of the Vedic Age could better obtain cattle and other goods
The nomadic people of Central Asia learned about shipbuilding
The nomadic people of Central Asia wrote epic poetry
Which of the following is not true about the trading relationship between civilizations of ancient India? (1 point)
River navigation was the preferred method of travel and trade across long distances.
A highly developed road system helped traders quickly transport goods across long distances.
Agricultural goods were traded between civilizations.
Civilizations often bartered for the exchange of goods.
Which statement describes the importance of the Bhagavad Gita? (1 point)
It is a medical text that describes Ayurvedic principles of healing.
It is a text that introduces the mathematical concept of zero.
It is the first example of Sanskrit writing in India.
It is a poem about the nature of man that is still widely read today.
Which of the following is the ultimate goal of the Hindu, and how is it achieved? (1 point)
moksha; through its joining with Brahman
Brahman; through its joining with dharma
moksha; through having good karma
dharma; through good moral duties
Which of the following statements describes the caste system in ancient India? (1 point)
The caste system was rigid and never changed.
The caste system adapted to changing conditions.
The caste system changed when some castes were overcrowded.
The caste system was limited to a certain number of groups.
Which of the following rulers adopted Buddhism, and how did it change the ruling of the Empirer
Asoka; he stopped warfare and had Buddhist shrines built throughout the Mauryan Empire
Chandragupta; he imposed strict rules and punishments on people throughout the Mauryan Empire
Asoka; he ordered the killings of thousands of people in lands outside the Mauryan Empire
Chandragupta; he broke apart the Mauryan empire and set up the Gupta Empirer
How did Asoka's conquering of the east coast of India in the mid 200's BCE lead to the spread of Buddhism? (1 points)
He made Buddhism the only religion that was tolerated in the Mauryan Empire.
He discovered Buddhism after conquering this region but regretted the human cost of victory in the war.
He supported the building of monasteries in the Mauryan Empire and made Hinduism illegal to practice in public.
He wrote down the teachings of Siddhartha, after meeting him during the war, to preserve his teachings.
He traveled as a Buddhist missionary throughout Asia after the war to personally convert nearby rulers to Buddhism.
Map of the Mauryan Empire, 250 BCE. The highlighted area covers all of the Indian peninsula except the southernmost tip. It extends past the Indus River to the west, north to Hindu Kush, and about halfway into the Himalaya Mountain range. One inch is approximately 250 miles. The Himalayas begin approximately six inches northwest of the Bay of Bengal on the map.
Based on the information in the map, about how many miles long is the Ganges River? (1 point)
150 miles
15,000 miles
500 miles
1,500 miles
Map of modern day India. One inch is approximately 400 miles. Mumbai is on the north
part of the east coast. Bengaluru is in the central area of the southern tip of India. Mumbai is about one and one-fourth inches from Bengaluru on the map.
Based on the information in the map, if someone asked you for directions from Mumbai to Bengaluru, which of the following would be the correct response? (1 point)
head south-southwest for about 1000 miles
head south-southeast for about 1000 miles
head south-southwest for about 500 miles
head south-southeast for about 500 miles

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