For this Psychology Field Journal entry, you will compare two psychological studies related to aging. Note that one study reviews the attitudes of college
students, while the other explores the attitudes of 85-year-olds. Read the
text excerpts and examine carefully any graphics provided with each study.
Use the graphic organizer to help you gather important information as your
read. This information will help you answer the reflection questions below.
Study 1:
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Gendered Perceptions of Aging: An Examination of College Students (Barnett and
Von Rohr)
Study 2:
Embracing Opposites: Meanings of Growing old as Narrated by People Aged 85 (Fischer, Norberg and Lundman)
In at least two paragraphs, answer the following reflection questions thoroughly. Be sure to include a concluding
statement that summarizes your findings and supports your explanations.
What were the most significant findings in each study?
How did the authors approach the study of aging differently?

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