Refer to the passage. Which of the following statements best reflects how the technological changes referenced in the passage have affected the global economy in the 21st century? "Most powerfully, digital flows open up the global economy to anyone with an Internet connection. That reduces the barriers to entry and changes old rules about how business is done and who can participate, You no longer need to be a big, well-capitalized multinational company to compete globally. Thanks to digital platforms such as Alibaba and Amazon, even small-scale entrepreneurs can connect directly with customers and suppliers around the world, transforming themselves into 'micro multinationals." which of the following statements best reflects how the technological changes referenced in the passage have affected the global economy in the 21st century?

A they have reinforced the need for industrial systems and resources

B They have helped establish a postindustrial, knowledge-based economy

C They have promoted the shift of industrialization to less developed nations,

D they have helped older industrial corporations monopolize global markets,

"These Charts Show How Globalization Has Gone Digital" by James Manyika, Susan Lund, and Jacques Bughin, 2016​

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