20.06.2023 • 
Health and Medicine

Relieving Swelling in Legs: Causes and Ways to Alleviate the Symptom

Swelling in the legs, also referred to as edema, connotes retention of fluid in the affected tissues. Primarily, it manifests itself in ankles and feet. Edema can be minor or severe, and it occurs due to numerous factors that can be harmful to one's health. Common reasons include sitting or standing too long, being overweight, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart failure, or liver cirrhosis.

Symptoms of Swollen Legs

The main sign of edema is swelling in the legs. Other warning signs that indicate you might have swelling in your legs include:

  1. Enlarged and heavy legs
  2. Stiffness in the limbs
  3. Dull ache or pain in the affected area
  4. Numbness or tingling in the legs
  5. Restricted movement

The Causes of Swollen Legs

There are numerous reasons why one's legs might be swollen. Among the most common causes are:


During pregnancy, women’s bodies retain more water than usual to support the growing fetus. As a result, fluid accumulates in the legs, feet, and ankles, which causes swelling. This type of edema usually disappears after delivery.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance also causes swelling in the legs. For instance, changes in hormone levels during menstruation may cause fluid retention, which affects the limbs.


Some drugs, such as blood pressure medicines and antidepressants, can cause swelling in the legs as a side effect.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is a common cause of swelling in the legs as the heart’s inability to pump blood effectively causes the accumulation of fluid in the limbs.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, which are swollen and twisted veins that become visible beneath the skin, can also cause swelling in the legs.

How to Relieve Swollen Legs

The good news is that there are numerous ways to relieve swelling in the legs. Some of the ways include:

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings, which apply gradual pressure to the legs, facilitate better blood flow, thereby reducing swelling in the legs. They are available in different sizes, lengths, and compression levels.

Lifestyle Changes

Changes in one's lifestyle can go a long way in relieving leg swelling. Some of the lifestyle changes that can be helpful include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, losing weight, and avoiding standing for long hours.


Placing the legs above heart level can help to reduce swelling in the legs. Elevation reduces the pulling force of gravity on swollen limbs, which can help to alleviate the symptoms.

Medical Treatment

Medical treatment is essential in severe cases of leg swelling caused by underlying medical conditions. Your doctor may recommend medication or a surgical procedure to address the cause of the swelling.


Swelling in the legs can be an uncomfortable and distressing symptom, but it is treatable in most cases. By adopting healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and wearing compression stockings, one can alleviate the swelling and enhance their overall well-being.


  1. Is Leg Swelling Always a Cause for Concern?

    No. Leg swelling can be benign, especially when it is due to pregnancy or long periods of standing. However, it can also be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition, especially if it is recurrent or severe.

  2. Can I Relieve Leg Swelling by Reducing My Salt Intake?

    Yes. Reducing salt intake can help to reduce the swelling in the legs. Consuming high amounts of salt causes the body to retain more water than usual, which can cause swelling in the limbs.

  3. Can Sitting for Long Hours Cause Swollen Legs?

    Yes. Sitting for prolonged periods can cause fluid retention in the legs, leading to swelling. Taking short walks or stretching at intervals can help to alleviate swelling in the legs.

  4. Are Diuretics Effective in Reducing Leg Swelling?

    Yes. Diuretics, commonly known as water pills, help to reduce fluid retention in the body, which can alleviate swelling in the legs. However, they should only be used under the guidance of a doctor.

  5. Can Compression Stockings Help Reduce the Appearance of Varicose Veins?

    Yes. Compression stockings help to improve blood flow in the legs, which can reduce the appearance of varicose veins. However, they do not cure varicose veins.

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