What important role do sand dunes play? How can sand dunes be saved?

How can sand dunes be rebuilt?

What would happen if the sand dunes in an area were destroyed?

Data Set

Review the data below and use it to rank the plants from most desirable (1) to least desirable (7). Important notes:

Native plants are plants original to a region.

Exotic plants have been introduced into an area.

Growth rate is the time required for the plant to reach maturity.

Lifespan is the length of time the plant is expected to live.

Stabilization rating is the ability of the plant to reduce erosion of the sand dune.

Dune Plant Exotic or Native Tolerant of Sea Spray Growth Rate Lifespan (years) Stabilization Rating Characteristics

American Beachgrass Exotic Yes Fast 10 Moderate Can be damaged by pedestrian traffic; may need annual maintenance

Coastal Panic Grass Native Moderately Moderate 14 Poor Cannot tolerate large deposits of sand; good wind barrier

Bitter Panicum Exotic Yes Slow 20 Poor Can provide cover for songbirds, water fowl, and small mammals

Salt Meadow Cordgrass Native No Moderate 20 Excellent Can become invasive and kill other vegetation

Seashore Elder Exotic No Moderate 14 Excellent Produces purple flowers and spicy fragrance; heavy cover can kill other vegetation

Sea Oats Native Yes Slow 20 Moderate Encourages burrowing animals

European Beachgrass Exotic Yes Fast 20 Excellent Invasive; can crowd out other vegetation

Rough Draft

Use this section to plan what you will write in the letter.

Data Analysis — Plant ranking:

Procedure: In two to four sentences, explain how you ranked the plants from most desirable to least desirable. Be sure to cite evidence from the data to support your rankings.

Closing Statement: In three to four sentences, explain how your plant rankings could protect the dunes.

Recommendation Letter

Now, we would like you to share your plant evaluations with Sandy Waters, President of Save the Shoreline. You will do this by writing Mr. Waters a letter. When writing your letter, be sure to use a traditional letter format. This means that your letter should include a greeting (Dear , ) a body, and a closing (Sincerely, ).

The body of your letter must include the following:

an opening that describes the procedure for ranking plants

all plant rankings

evidence from the data to support plant rankings

a closing that explains how plant rankings could protect the dunes

As always, be sure to use complete sentences and proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Sand Dune Story : Sand dunes—they're just giant heaps of sand, right? The only thing that comes between you and the refreshing ocean water. Well, not exactly. While it's true that they are made from sand, sand dunes play an important role in protecting the delicate coastal environment. How do they form? And why are they important?

Sand dunes are a naturally occurring coastal feature. They form when wind blows over sand, accumulating it into one area. These collections of sand are important in a few ways. First, they are a barrier that helps protect coastal property, like homes and businesses, from erosion. According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, sand dunes "are the first line of defense against storms and act as a buffer to protect upland property and natural habitats." But sand dunes don't only protect human property, they also protect plants and animals. Animals such as mice, snakes, crabs, sea turtles, and many birds rely on sand dunes to protect them from the harsh environment found along the coast ("Building Back").

So, what can we do to protect and restore these important coastal features? The Florida Department of Environmental Protection recommends three actions.

Avoid disturbing sand dunes
Dunes can handle most of the harsh conditions found beachside, such as salt spray, storms, and intense sunlight and heat ("Building Back"). However, they cannot withstand being trampled by feet and vehicles. One way you can protect sand dunes is by always using beach access points and dune walkovers to get to the beach.

Sand Dune Story : Restore damaged sand dunes
Sometimes dunes become damaged because of vehicle and foot traffic, and sometimes they are damaged because of very strong storms. Damaged dunes can become unstable, but thankfully there are steps we can take to restore them. Planting dune vegetation such as sea oats can help build, anchor, and stabilize sand dunes ("Building Back"). The plants help to trap wind-blown sand, making the dune stronger. Ideally, the dune should be 80 percent covered in vegetation. In addition, installing sand fences can help protect dunes by restricting access and preventing foot and vehicle traffic.

Learn more about protecting sand dunes
Finally, you can help protect sand dunes and the coastal environment by helping others learn about their importance. Protecting sand dunes starts with knowing and caring about them, and with being a good steward of the coastal environment.

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