05.05.2020 • 

Hi i am the endo bendo
i am the skeleton of the animatronics
yet i have no idea how the children possess the roberts while im still hre
hi i am spoopy scary poopet
i glitch ur game
and in ucn u totally have to look at me if u want to survive and i wont kill u or anything
hi i am suckas baby
and i make icecream wit my scoopa troopa
btw i am like 8 or something
back ground FBI OPEN UP!!!
h its me again
this time it my b-day and i have a weird daddy kink
hi i am spider mom
y do u hide inside these walls when there is literally music and i can crawl in all forth
my design was a mistake
take a guess y
i am a pile of spagehti
hi and ik what willy did years ago
trust me...IK
kero kero EXPLOSION
zippity do da zippity dae
ur mother has the super ga
what did u think of my act?
ok im done

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