20.06.2023 • 

Everything You Need to Know About Kudyabliks


If you've ever been to a Russian wedding, you've probably seen people dancing in a circle, yelling at the top of their lungs, while a person in the middle of the circle waves a towel or a handkerchief. These people are called "kudyabliks" and they're an essential part of Russian folk culture. In this article, we'll explore the history, meaning, and significance of kudyabliks.

What are Kudyabliks?

Kudyabliks are a group of people who dance, sing, and make merry at Russian celebrations. They are usually led by a person who carries a towel or a handkerchief, which he or she waves around in the air. The dancers form a circle around the leader and move in a counterclockwise direction.

Origins of Kudyabliks

The origin of kudyabliks is shrouded in mystery. Some historians believe that they were part of an ancient pagan ritual, while others think they were a medieval guild of entertainers. Regardless of their origins, kudyabliks have always been associated with festivities and celebration.

Meaning of Kudyabliks

The name "kudyabliks" comes from the Russian word "kudyabit," which means to wave a towel or a handkerchief. The act of waving the towel or handkerchief is symbolic of driving away evil spirits and bringing good luck. The leader of the kudyabliks is called "kudyablik," and he or she is believed to have special powers to protect the community from harm.

How to Dance Kudyabliks

Dancing kudyabliks is easy and fun. First, form a circle with your friends or family. Then, choose a person to be the leader. The leader should have a towel or a handkerchief, which he or she will wave around in the air. The other dancers should join hands and move in a counterclockwise direction around the leader. As you dance, yell out "hey" or "hoy" at the top of your lungs. The leader may also sing a song or recite a poem.

Types of Kudyabliks

There are many different types of kudyabliks, depending on the occasion. For example, there are wedding kudyabliks, baptismal kudyabliks, and even funeral kudyabliks. Each type of kudyablik has its own unique dance steps, songs, and rituals.

Why Kudyabliks are Important

Kudyabliks are important because they bring people together and create a sense of community. They are a way of celebrating life's milestones, from birth to death, and everything in between. Kudyabliks also connect people to their cultural heritage and remind them of their roots.

Modern-Day Kudyabliks

While kudyabliks are still performed at traditional celebrations in Russia, they have also become popular among Russian expats and enthusiasts around the world. In recent years, kudyabliks have become a way of promoting Russian culture and attracting tourists to Russia.


Kudyabliks are more than just a group of people dancing in a circle. They are a symbol of community, tradition, and cultural heritage. Dancing kudyabliks is a way of connecting with the past and celebrating the present. So, next time you're at a Russian celebration, join in the kudyablik dance and experience the joy and camaraderie that comes with it.
  1. What is the history of kudyabliks?
  2. What is the meaning of the name "kudyablik?"
  3. How do you dance kudyabliks?
  4. What are the different types of kudyabliks?
  5. Why are kudyabliks important?

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