09.12.2020 • 

In this unit you learned about the development of two major ancient civilizations: China and India. You also learned about the geography, trade, religion, culture, and government of these civilizations as they developed. You know what China and India were like in ancient times. But what are these regions like today? The study of history involves learning about the past. However, that’s not all that historians do. They also analyze and apply information about the past to explain how people and societies have changed over time. Historians help us understand the present by uncovering the past.

The ancient civilizations that you studied have many connections to modern countries. Think about what these connections are and how they developed. What are these countries and regions like today? How are they similar to what they were like thousands of years ago? How are they different?

In this activity, you’ll take on the role of a historian. Your area of expertise is ancient civilizations. You’ve been approached by a middle school to create a presentation for a social studies classroom. The teachers want the presentation to show how past civilizations in China and India are relevant to those regions of the world today. You will need to spend some time researching and organizing information for this presentation.

Part A
Choose a civilization that you would like to investigate: ancient China or ancient India. Write down the name of the civilization you selected.

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