21.07.2019 • 

The diamond necklace "look here, mathilde," he persisted. what would be the cost of a suitable dress, which you could use on other occasions as well, something very simple? " she thought for several seconds, reckoning up prices and also wondering for how large a sum she could ask without bringing upon herself an immediate refusal and an exclamation of horror from the careful-minded clerk. at last, she replied with some hesitation: "i don't know exactly, but i think i could do it on four hundred francs." he grew slightly pale, for this was exactly the amount he had been saving for a gun, intending to get a little shooting next summer on the plain of nanterre with some friends who went lark-shooting there on sundays. which point of view is used in the passage? a. limited third-person b. omniscient third-person c. first-person

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