05.05.2020 • 

1.Astronomers classify stars according to their physical characteristics. Characteristics used to classify stars are

blue or blue white, white, yellow, red-orange and red

color, temperature, size, composition, and brightness.

Supergiants, Giants, Main sequence and White Dwarfs

2)How are stars grouped on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

blue or blue white, white, yellow, red-orange and red

color, temperature, size, composition, and brightness.

Supergiants, Giants, Main sequence and White Dwarfs

3)How are stars classified on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

blue or blue white, white, yellow, red-orange and red

color, temperature, size, composition, and brightness.

Supergiants, Giants, Main sequence and White Dwarfs

4)Most stars belong to this category?

5)Which star is the hottest Supergiant

(make sure you capitalize the proper noun)

6)What color is Deneb?

7)What temperature is Sirius B?

8)This star is a red GIANTS.

9)What temperature is Bernard's star?

10)Which star is the dimmest on the chart?

11)What category is the hottest star on the chart and that star is?

Group of answer choices

Main sequence, Rigel

Main sequence, Zeta Eridani

Supergiants, Betelgeuse

12)What category of stars is hot but not very luminous?

(make sure you capitalize the proper noun)

13)What color are the coolest stars?

blue or blue white





14)What color are the hottest stars?

blue or blue white





15)Describe the characteristics of a star.

16)Describe two characteristics that can be determined about a star by analyzing the spectra of the star.

17)Which star is the brightest white dwarf?

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