15.04.2021 • 

1 . The Tibetans and Han Chinese share several genetic traits and DNA. However, the EPAS1 gene, which increases the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen even in low oxygen environments, is only commonly found in the Tibetan population that live in higher elevations. Explain why this gene is only common in Tibetan populations from the perspective of competitive advantage and natural selection. Write your answer in three to five sentences. 2. In three to five sentences, construct an argument for the claim that natural selection leads to evolution. Provide evidence for this claim, and be sure to explain how an organism shows the four parts of the process of natural selection. You may use any organism with the exception of bacteria and antibiotic resistance.

3.Imagine you are a paleontologist trying to find the “missing link” between different species. In three to five sentences, create a fictional narrative about your discoveries, describing: 1) what two species, mythical or real, you are studying, 2) what evidence you have linking these species, and 3) what evidence you have to define different correlations and causations that support your hypothesis.(4 points)

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