02.03.2020 • 

1. What is the function of vaccines?
2. Know the parts and function of the male reproductive system and sperm and where they are located.
3. Which part of the male reproductive system involves a vasectomy?
4. Be able to identify the structures in the male reproductive system.
5. Describe a non-specific immune response against infection and state how the body responds this way?
6. Explain why pathogens can cause opportunistic infections?
7. Explain how fraternal and identical twins form.
8. What are antigens and state how they help the immune system.
9. Define cellular immunity and humoral immunity. What do they have in common?
10. List the barriers that make up the body’s first line of defense.
11. Explain how atherosclerosis affects blood pressure and blood flow?
12. Define capillaries and know where there are found in a diagram.
13. Know fetal development in the first, second, and third trimesters of a pregnancy.
14. Explain how HIV causes opportunistic infections.
15. Explain what a blood clot is and the effects it has to the cardiovascular system.
16. Define fertilization and know where it occurs.
17. Know how bacterial and viral infections react to antibiotics.
18. Know the parts of the brain
19. What is the amniotic sac, placenta, zygote, fallopian tube and blastocyst?
20. Be able to identify a picture of specific immunity and identify what is involved.
21. What type of lifestyle would be good / bad for your cardiovascular system?
22. What is the function of the immune system?
23. What is a phagocyte?
24. What is a vector?
25. Define and know how they work give examples: Specific response, Non-specific response, Passive immunity &
Active immunity

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