20.06.2023 • 
Family and Home

Protect Your Home or Apartment from Pesky Ants


Ants can be problematic when they invade your home or apartment, especially if they are persistent. Luckily, there are several effective ways to get rid of these pesky critters. In this article, we'll share some practical tips and insights to help you keep your property free from ants.

Why Do Ants Invade Your Home?

Ants are social insects that live in colonies and are always looking for food, water, and shelter. When these resources become scarce outside, they start searching for them indoors. They can gain entry into your home through even the smallest cracks and crevices.

Types of Ants That Invade Homes

There are different types of ants that may invade your home or apartment. Some of the most common ones include pavement ants, carpenter ants, odorous house ants, and pharaoh ants.

How to Keep Ants Away from Your Home

Here are some practical tips to help prevent ants from taking over your property:
  1. Keep your home clean and tidy. Crumbs and food particles left out will attract ants.
  2. Seal all cracks and crevices in your home's exterior walls and foundation.
  3. Remove any standing water from around your home, such as in gutters and flower pots.
  4. Store food in airtight containers.
  5. Use vinegar and water to clean your countertops and floors. Ants don't like the smell of vinegar and will avoid it.

Ant Repellent Plants

Planting certain types of herbs and flowers around your home's perimeter can also help keep ants away. Examples of plants that act as natural ant repellents include mint, lavender, and bay leaves.

How to Get Rid of Ants Already Inside Your Home

If ants have already taken up residence in your home, here are some ways to get rid of them:
  1. Mix equal parts of borax and sugar and place it where ants can find it. The sugar attracts the ants, while the borax poisons them.
  2. Spray vinegar and water directly on the ants to kill them.
  3. Use boric acid powder and sprinkle it around the areas where ants are entering your home.

When to Call Professional Pest Control

If you have a severe ant infestation that you can't seem to get rid of, it may be time to call in the professionals. Exterminators can assess the situation, identify the type of ants you're dealing with, and apply the appropriate treatments to eliminate them.

Closing Thoughts

Ants can be annoying and frustrating when they invade your home or apartment. However, by following the tips outlined in this article, you can keep them at bay. Remember to keep your home clean, seal all cracks and crevices, remove standing water, and use natural remedies or professional pest control when necessary.


  1. What attracts ants into my home?
  2. Ants are attracted to food left out, moisture, and shelter from the elements. They will search for ways to enter your home to find resources, no matter how small the entry point is.

  3. How can I tell if I have an ant infestation?
  4. If you see several ants marching in a line, or large numbers of ants in one area, it's likely that you have an ant infestation. You may also notice ant trails, nests, or ant droppings in your home.

  5. Can ants cause damage to my home?
  6. Certain types of ants, such as carpenter ants, can cause damage to the wood in your home. These ants actually burrow into the wood to build their nests, weakening the structure over time.

  7. Are there any natural ways to get rid of ants?
  8. Yes! Using a mixture of vinegar and water, borax and sugar, or planting natural ant repellent plants can help to keep ants away from your home.

  9. When should I call a professional pest control company?
  10. If you have a severe ant infestation that won't go away with natural remedies, it's time to call in a professional pest control company. They can assess the situation and apply the appropriate treatment to eliminate the ants.

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