20.06.2023 • 
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Parents or Environment: Who Has the Most Influence on a Child's Upbringing?


As a parent or guardian, you want to raise your child to become a well-rounded, responsible, and happy individual. However, what influences a child's upbringing? Is it the parents or the environment? This topic has been the subject of many debates, and in this article, we explore the impact of parents and environment on a child's upbringing.

Parents: The Primary Influencers

Parents are often the first people a child interacts with, and they have a significant impact on their child's upbringing. In most cases, parents have the primary responsibility for raising their children, which includes teaching values, morals, and social norms. Parents can choose to be authoritative, permissive, or authoritarian, depending on their parenting style. An authoritative parenting approach involves providing guidance, setting realistic expectations, and enforcing boundaries. Permissive parenting allows children to have more freedom and less discipline, while authoritarian parenting focuses on strict rules, punishment, and obedience.

Parenting Styles That Work

Based on research studies, authoritative parenting style is most effective in enhancing a child's well-being, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence. This style involves warmth, support, and responsiveness, along with reasonable limits, and age-appropriate expectations.

The Impact of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement drives better academic performance, emotional expression, and communication skills in children. It's important to spend quality time with your child, offer support, and communicate effectively. As a parent, you have an essential role in shaping your child's emotional and social development, and your influence can last for a lifetime.

Environment: The Secondary Influencers

The environment, such as school, peer groups, and community, can have a profound effect on a child's upbringing. Children spend a significant amount of time outside the home, and their experiences in school or community can shape their personalities, social behavior, and values.

The School Environment

The school environment is an essential aspect of a child's upbringing since children spend most of their time in school. The learning environment can positively impact a child's cognitive ability and academic performance. Moreover, a child's social and interpersonal skills can be nourished through extracurricular activities and interactions with peers.

The Community Environment

The community environment also plays a crucial role in a child's upbringing. Living in a supportive, safe, and collaborative community can positively affect a child's willingness to learn and their sense of belonging. Positive interactions with neighbors, role models, and community leaders can help foster traits, such as empathy, teamwork, and integrity.

Which Has More Influence: Parents or Environment?

The answer to this question is not straightforward. Both parents and the environment have a significant effect on a child's upbringing. However, the primary influence of parents cannot be understated since parents have the unique ability to create a nurturing, secure, and supportive environment for their child. The environment can affect a child's behavior and personality, but the foundation set by parents can offset negative influences.


Raising a child is a complex, yet rewarding, journey. Parents and the environment share a vital role in shaping a child's development. Parents can provide the foundation for a child's emotional, intellectual, and social growth, while the environment can reinforce and enhance these traits. By working together, parents and environment create a healthy and supportive environment for a child's upbringing.


  1. Q: How do parents influence a child's personality?
  2. A: Parents shape a child's personality by providing guidance, discipline, and modeling appropriate behavior. Simple daily interactions, such as praise, affection, and communication, can have a profound and lasting effect on a child's emotional development.

  3. Q: Can a child's personality change based on their environment?
  4. A: Yes, the environment, such as peer groups, school, and community, can significantly affect a child's behavior and personality. Children are constantly learning from their environment and adapting their personalities, attitudes, and behaviors to fit in.

  5. Q: What is the best parenting style?
  6. A: The best parenting style is authoritative parenting, which involves support, guidance, reasonable limits, and age-appropriate expectations. This style fosters emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and social competence while reducing the risk of behavior problems and anxiety.

  7. Q: How does parental involvement affect a child's academic performance?
  8. A: Parental involvement is a significant predictor of a child's academic success. When parents are supportive, engaged, and involved in their child's education, the child is more likely to achieve better grades, attend school regularly, and develop positive study habits.

  9. Q: What is the role of the environment in a child's upbringing?
  10. A: The environment, such as school, peer groups, and community, can reinforce and enhance a child's development. Positive interactions with teachers, coaches, peers, and community leaders can encourage healthy social, emotional, and cognitive development.

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