20.06.2023 • 

Personal attitude towards Confession: how to prepare and undergo the procedure correctly?


Confession is an important sacrament in the Orthodox Church, which allows one to repent and receive absolution of sins. However, many believers are afraid of this sacrament because they do not know how to prepare for it properly or how to undergo it. In this article, we will talk about the correct personal attitude towards Confession, as well as give practical advice on how to prepare and undergo the procedure.

What is Confession?

Confession is the sacrament of the Church, through which a person repent of sins and receives forgiveness. The confession is performed before a priest, who acts as a spiritual guide. During the confession, the priest listens to the confession, gives advice, and assigns a penance to the penitent. The penance is a small prayer or a good deed that will help the penitent to change his or her life and avoid repeating the same sins.

The right attitude towards Confession

It is important to approach Confession with the right attitude. Confession is not a formality, but a deep spiritual process that requires sincerity, humility, and a desire to change one's life. Before Confession, one should examine oneself, acknowledge one's sins, and sincerely repent of them. Confession is not a punishment, but a way to find peace and harmony with God.

How to prepare for Confession

To prepare for Confession, it is necessary to reflect on one's life, examine one's conscience, and analyze one's thoughts and actions. It is important to write down the sins that need to be confessed, so as not to forget anything during the Confession. It is also recommended to read the prayers of repentance before Confession and attend the evening service.

How to undergo Confession correctly

During Confession, it is important to be honest, sincere, and humble. One should speak clearly and concisely, without justifying oneself or accusing others. The priest will listen attentively to the confession and give advice and guidance. It is important to listen carefully to the priest's words and follow his instructions. After Confession, one should perform the assigned penance and strive to avoid committing the same sins in the future.


Confession is an important sacrament, which allows one to repent of sins and receive forgiveness. To undergo Confession correctly, one should approach it with the right attitude, prepare for it, and undergo it properly. Remember that Confession is not a punishment but a way to find peace and harmony with God.


  1. What is Confession?
  2. Confession is the sacrament of the Church, through which a person repents of sins and receives forgiveness.

  3. What is the right attitude towards Confession?
  4. Confession is a deep spiritual process that requires sincerity, humility, and a desire to change one's life.

  5. How to prepare for Confession?
  6. To prepare for Confession, it is necessary to examine oneself, acknowledge one's sins, and sincerely repent of them. It is also recommended to read the prayers of repentance and attend the evening service.

  7. How to undergo Confession correctly?
  8. During Confession, it is important to be honest, sincere, and humble. One should speak clearly and concisely, without justifying oneself or accusing others. After Confession, one should perform the assigned penance and strive to avoid committing the same sins in the future.

  9. What is the purpose of Confession?
  10. The purpose of Confession is to repent of sins and receive forgiveness and spiritual guidance.

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