20.06.2023 • 
Health and Medicine

How Did Inna Lose Weight on Dom 2?


Dom 2 is a popular reality TV show in Russia, attracting viewers across the country. Inna, one of the participants, managed to lose weight during the filming of the show, which led to significant interest in how she achieved such a feat. In this article, we will explore the details of Inna's weight loss journey and provide insight into some of the techniques she used to shed the pounds.

Inna's Story

Inna had been struggling with her weight before joining Dom 2, and she knew that the cameras would intensify the pressure to look good. Through dedication and discipline, she managed to lose over twenty pounds during her time on the show. To begin her weight loss journey, Inna started counting her calories, tracking everything she ate and drunk every day. She also set realistic goals and monitored her progress on a regular basis. Inna found that by keeping a record of her food intake, she was able to identify areas where she was consuming too many calories and make the necessary adjustments. In addition to counting calories, Inna also incorporated an exercise regime into her daily routine. She started with light cardio, such as jogging on a treadmill and using an exercise bike, and gradually increased the intensity of her workouts over time. She also introduced strength training exercises to build lean muscle mass and improve her overall fitness levels.

Inna’s Diet and Workout

Inna's diet primarily consisted of whole foods, such as lean proteins, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. She also reduced her consumption of processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods into her meals, Inna was able to stay full and satisfied while keeping her calorie intake low. Another key component of Inna's weight loss journey was incorporating intermittent fasting into her diet. She would go for extended periods without eating, typically fifteen to eighteen hours a day, and then consume all of her calories within a set window of time. This method helped Inna to control her hunger, reduce her calorie intake, and improve her overall health.

Tips from Inna

If you're looking to lose weight, Inna has some useful tips to help you achieve your goals. Firstly, be consistent in your approach. This means sticking to a balanced diet and exercise routine that works for you. Secondly, don't be too hard on yourself, accept that there will be setbacks along the way. Finally, find a support system, whether that's a friend, family member, or online community, who can encourage and motivate you to keep going.


In conclusion, Inna's weight loss journey on Dom 2 can teach us a lot about the importance of consistency, dedication, and hard work. By maintaining a balanced diet, incorporating intermittent fasting, and committing to regular exercise, Inna was able to transform her body and improve her overall health. Anyone can achieve similar results if they are willing to put in the effort and follow a plan that works for them.
  1. FAQ: How much weight did Inna lose?
    • Inna lost over 20 pounds during her time on Dom 2.
  2. FAQ: How long did it take Inna to lose weight?
    • Inna did not specify how long it took her to lose weight, but she achieved her results through consistent efforts over an extended period.
  3. FAQ: Did Inna have any outside help or support to lose weight?
    • It is unclear if Inna had any outside support to lose weight, but she did stress the importance of having a supportive community to help with motivation and encouragement.
  4. FAQ: Did Inna follow a specific diet plan?
    • Inna's diet primarily consisted of whole foods, intermittent fasting, and reducing her consumption of processed foods, sugar, and alcohol.
  5. FAQ: Did Inna have a workout coach or trainer?
    • It is unclear if Inna had a workout coach or trainer, but she did incorporate cardio and strength training into her exercise routine.

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