28.09.2020 • 

A group of paleontologists discovered fossil remains of a new organism. They noted the following features of the organism: - approximately 3 meters long
- conical, carnivore-like teeth at the front of the mouth and large, grinding teeth at the
back of the mouth
- thick body with a barrel-like rib cage and short, strong legs

The scientists concluded that the organism must have been similar to a badger, lived in a grassland environment, and dug into the ground to prey on rodents and other smaller animals. Other paleontologists disagreed with this conclusion.

Select all of the statements that describe evidence that would cause the paleontologists who discovered the fossils to reevaluate their conclusion about the organism.

A. discovery of fossils of the same organism in older rocks

B. evidence that the animal was in an underground burrow when it died

C. evidence that the fossils were in rocks that formed in a shallow ocean

D. discovery of fossil grasses, flowers, and pollen in the same rocks as the organism

E. evidence that the feet of the organism had webs between the toes and did not have claws

F. comparison of the fossils with living organisms that have similar teeth but that eat a different diet

A group of paleontologists discovered fossil remains of a new organism. They noted the following fe

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