23.03.2021 • 

A. What explains the following observations? 1. Jupiter is more than 3 times Saturn's mass but only 20% larger in diameter

2. Jupiter's cloud top colors are more vivid or brighter than Saturn's

3. Saturn seems to emitting more heat per unit mass than Jupiter

4. Uranus and Neptune do not have as much Hydrogen & Helium as Jupiter/Saturn

5. Neptune seems to have more observable weather than Uranus despite being further from the Sun

B. Uranus and Neptune have had only 1 satellite visitor each: Voyager 2 as a flyby mission more than 30 years ago.

1. Compared to a satellite orbiting Earth, roughly what fraction of solar energy would reach a satellite's panels at the distance of Uranus and Neptune? What kind of power source would a satellite need to carry instead of solar panels?

2.How long would it take for communication signals from Earth to reach a satellite near Uranus or Neptune?

3. Do some research on where Uranus and Neptune are now. How long before we can launch a single flyby mission to visit both again? If orbiter missions were launched separately around when should we launch missions to them?

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