20.04.2021 • 

Advanced A&P Acid-Base Case Studies Name: IV. Joe Kool has been a smoker all his life and lately has been having significant difficulty when climbing
stairs to his third-floor apartment. He often felt short of breath, not only under exertion, but recently also
at rest. His neighbor found him confused and in significant respiratory distress. When the ambulance
arrives, the neighbor informs the EMTs that Joe's condition had deteriorated over the past couple of days.
Joe's color was gray blue. His pulse was 140. At the hospital, blood was drawn, and arterial blood gases
were obtained. It was noted that Joe had a rather uniquely "barrel-chested" appearance. He exhibited a
ventilation rate of 28 breaths per minute with prolonged expiration time and abdominal breathing
(expiration aided by abdominal compression). A fingertip pulse oximeter reported 88% Hbg saturation.
Hematocrit: 62 (42-52) Differential:
Mono: 3% (3-8)
WBC: 11,800 (4.8 – 10.8 X
Neutr (seg): 84% (50-70)
Neutr (bands): 4% (1-5)
Sp Gr: 1.03 PH: 5.0
Lymph: 9% (20-40)

Advanced A&P Acid-Base Case Studies Name:

IV. Joe Kool has been a smoker all his life and lat

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