21.11.2019 • 

Artificial sweeteners are chemicals that offer the sweetness of sugar without as many calories. they are often used as part of a weight-control plan. people with diabetes may use artificial sweeteners because they make food taste sweet without raising blood sugar levels.

artificial sweeteners are the subject of debate: some think they cause health-related problems when used in excess. one artificial sweetener, aspartame, is not safe for people who have the rare hereditary disease phenylketonuria (pku).

while proponents of artificial sweeteners claim they are a good thing for diabetics, critics point out that, despite the recent development of artificial sweeteners, diabetes is actually on the rise. this probably means that
a) not enough diabetics are using the artificial sweeteners.
b) artificial sweeteners are actually causing more people to develop diabetes.
c) despite the development of artificial sweeteners, many people do not use them.
d) the risk of other complications due to the artificial sweeteners is the more serious issue.

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