05.05.2020 • 

At one time, all living organisms were separated into only two kingdoms—Animals and Vegetables. Once the microscope was invented and improvements in microscopy were made, however, more kingdoms were defined. The Protist kingdom was established in 1866, and the Monera kingdom was added in 1938. The Monera kingdom was later subdivided into the Bacteria and Archaea kingdoms in the 1990s. Fungi were classified as plants until 1969. What is one reason why fungi were separated into a new kingdom? A. Fungi are able to undergo photosynthesis and make their own food. Plants get the nutrients that they need by consuming other organisms. B. Fungi are prokaryotic. Plants are eukaryotic. C. The cell walls in fungi are composed of chitin. Plant cell walls are composed of cellulose. D. All fungi are unicellular. All plants are multicellular.

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