20.06.2023 • 
Computers and Internet

How to Create a Folder on Your iPhone?

Do you struggle with the clutter on your iPhone home screen? Are you tired of swiping through dozens of apps to find the one you need? Fear not! The solution to your problem is just a few taps away. In this article, we'll guide you on how to create a folder on your iPhone in simple and easy-to-follow steps.

Step 1: Decide What Apps to Put in the Folder

Before creating a folder, it's essential to decide which apps you want to group together. For example, if you want to create a folder for your social media apps, you can group Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in one folder. If you're a photography enthusiast, you can group camera and photo editing apps in another folder.

Step 2: Tap and Hold an App on Your Home Screen

To create a folder, you need to tap and hold an app on your home screen. Once you see your apps wiggling, drag an app over another app that you want to group inside the folder. Release your finger once you see a translucent bubble around them.

Step 3: Name Your Folder

Now that you've grouped your apps, the next step is to name your folder. The iPhone will give your folder a default name based on the category of apps you grouped together. However, you can change the name by tapping on the folder and typing in a new name.

Step 4: Add More Apps to the Folder

If you decide to add more apps to the folder, hold and drag the app to the folder. You can add up to 16 apps per folder, so make sure to balance the number of apps in each folder to make your home screen look clean and organized.

Step 5: Customize Your Folder

You can customize your folder to make it more visually appealing. To do this, tap and hold the folder and select "Edit." Here you can change the folder name, choose a new color, and add or remove apps from the folder. You can also rearrange the apps within the folder by tapping and holding an app icon and then dragging it to a new location.


Creating a folder on your iPhone is a simple and easy process that can help declutter your home screen and make it easier to access the apps you need. Follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to a more organized iPhone!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I create folders within folders?
  2. No, you cannot create folders within folders.
  3. How many apps can I put in a folder?
  4. You can add up to 16 apps per folder.
  5. How do I delete a folder?
  6. To delete a folder, simply tap and hold the folder and drag all the apps out of the folder onto the home screen. The folder will automatically be deleted once it's empty.
  7. Can I change the color of a folder?
  8. Yes, you can customize the folder's color by tapping and holding the folder and selecting "Edit." Then, tap on "Color" to choose a new color.
  9. Can I change the order of apps within a folder?
  10. Yes, you can change the order of apps by tapping and holding an app icon and then dragging it to a new location within the folder.

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