22.12.2019 • 

Can anyone make a good conclusion on this.
so my favorite fungi would be amanita muscaria cause it looks like a mushroom from mario which i love a lot. facts over this mushroom is its very poisons and can kill you if you consume it without cooking it probably. to cook this mushroom probably you have to boil it till the red is gone and have to change the water more than 1 time or you will still have a poison in it. also amanita muscaria has 1 third of the fungi and including mushrooms, fungi, and jelly like fungi. amanita muscaria can be identified by its red cap and white spots. the amanita muscaria can be very deadly for people so you have to be careful looking for this kind of mushroom.
the amanita muscaria grows well in highlands of mesoamerica and has a myth and sculptures suggest the use of such mushroom. the amanita muscaria has high quantity of alkaloids in it and pharmacology is very complex and not fully understood. the most relevant alkaloids are ibotenic acid and muscimol and a couple more. the effects of such mushroom psychotropic effects. the nature effects can be highly variable and depending on the dose can variety and personal differences. a list effects can include increased energy and muscular vigor (not always), drowsiness, visual distortions, loss of balance, etc.
giving max points answer asap and you

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