11.05.2021 • 

Coral Bleaching

Based on the Map in the activity, where are coral reefs usually found?

How many species in the ocean depend on coral reefs for food, shelter or other resources?

Read the description of 3 organisms. How does the coral reef benefit each of these organisms?

Many human activities and industries benefit from services provided by coral reefs. Pick two services to explain how the coral reefs benefit humans.

What type of symbiosis is fleas on a cat. Why?

What type of symbiosis is barnacles and baleen whales? Why?

What type of symbiosis is a bee and a flowing plant? Why?

What type of symbiosis is coral polyp and its zooxanthellae? Why?

How does temperature cause coral bleaching?

Can corals survive bleaching?

What are some of the consequences of coral bleaching?

How are humans trying to conserve the remaining coral reefs?

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