02.08.2019 • 

Cranberries and grapes may have therapeutic value. a cranberry company obtained the patent for a process to extract the oil from cranberry seeds. according to the patent, this oil can be used to treat breast cancer or to reduce its incidence. the oil can be used in drinks and foods. a grape juice company claims to have evidence that certain grapes have health benefits ranging from improving cardiovascular health to improving cognitive brain function in the elderly. these claims will be tested by the food and drug administration (fda) before the companies are allowed to market their products for “treating” ailments or “improving” health. until then, the companies can describe that their products “ to maintain” or “support” health. until studies support their claims, the companies cannot ascribe direct health benefits to their products. why would the fda perform tests when a cranberry company and a grape company have already conducted research on the same products?

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