01.04.2020 • 

Directions: Answer the following questions using the tables from the front of this page.
1. The broadest and largest category of classification is the:
2. The smallest or most specific category of classification is the:
3. All of the organisms except for the
are in the kingdom Animalia.
4. Which kingdom is the tree in?
5. Which kingdom is the lion in?
6. All of the animals except for the
_are in the phylum
7. The animals in the phylum chordata all have a backbone. Does a turtle have a backbone?
8. Which class are box turtles in?
9. Which class are humans in?
10. Name another organism in the same class as humans,
11. White Oak Trees are in the class
_. This means they produce flowers.
12. The next classification is order. Name four animals in the same order
13. Apes and humans share the same order, which means animals that stand on two feet. Which order is
14. The sixth category of classification is family. Are dogs and cats in the same family?
15. Which family are house cats in?
16. The seventh category of classification is genus. Animals in the same genus are closely related. Which
animals share the same genus?
and the
17. The last and smallest category of classification is called
18. What is the species name for humans?
19. The genus and species make up the scientific name. What is the scientific name for humans?
20. Which two organisms are most closely related?
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