18.03.2021 • 

Each athelete believes that they have a superior workout strategy, and wants to prove it. Jessica challenges Jorge to beat her in a mile run. Jorge starts, a he always does, with a flat-out sprint, and quickly pulls ahead of Jessica at her more measured pace. What happens to Jorge in this race?

A. Jorge's muscles burn through their stored glycogen after maybe half a minute and he falls to a "limp-along" pace, relying on his unconditioned oxidative fibers to finish the race.

B. Jorge's muscles run out of creatine phosphate after about 10 seconds and immediately stop contracting. Jorge makes it about a tenth of a mile and falls down.

C. Jorge's well-conditioned muscles are well adapted to burn one mile's worth of blood sugar and fat for energy and he handily wins the race

D. Jorge's muscles quickly use up the oxygen stored in their myoglobin molecules and he goes into "oxygen debt", but finishes the race close to Jessica.

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