15.02.2021 • 

Ecologists are interested in quantifying different kinds of biodiversity. In each of the two studies outlined here, which kind of biodiversity are ecologists studying? Ecologists establish 20 small areas, called plots, randomly scattered across a California grassland. They count the number of different plant species present in each plot.

By noting how many species appear in the plots, the ecologists are able to estimate the number of species in the entire grassland.

a. Genetic diversity
b. Functional diversity
c.Ecosystem diversity
d. Species diversity

Ecologists draw blood samples from basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) specimens caught from a single large population in the Atlantic Ocean. From each blood sample, the ecologists isolate DNA. Comparing several DNA sequences across the individuals that were sampled, the ecologists are able to estimate the variation in DNA sequences in the entire population.

a. Genetic diversity
b. Ecosystem diversity
c. Species diversity
d. Functional diversity

One way to think about the importance of biodiversity is simply to think in terms of natural capital: the roles that genes, species, ecosystems, and ecological processes play in supporting human society and a healthy biosphere. Which of the following are benefits provided by biodiversity?

a. Controlling pests
b. Providing medically useful chemicals
c. Keeping topsoil fertile
d. Eliminating the ozone hole

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