19.03.2020 • 

Examine the scenario.

Chemical Reaction A and Chemical Reaction B involve the same two reactants. Chemical Reaction A is performed in a hot container, while Chemical Reaction B is performed in a cold container.

Which of the answer choices correctly describes which chemical reaction will have a higher reaction rate?

1)Chemical Reaction A will have a higher reaction rate, because its container has more thermal energy. This thermal energy will cause the reactants' particles to divide and take on a smaller surface area.
2)Chemical Reaction B will have a higher reaction rate, because its container has less thermal energy. This thermal energy will cause an increase in the motion and collisions of the reactants' particles.
3)Chemical Reaction B will have a higher reaction rate, because its container has less thermal energy. This thermal energy will cause the reactants' particle to divide and take on a smaller surface area.
4)Chemical Reaction A will have a higher reaction rate, because its container has more thermal energy. This thermal energy will cause an increase in the motion and collisions of the reactants' particles.

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