22.09.2020 • 

Hopefully you are getting the picture that science is a dynamic process, always changing as new information arises. Any individual experiment may include one or more of the components that have been discussed because there is no one formula for a successful scientific inquiry and no single rule book that is rigidly followed. So what does all this experimentation and data collection lead to? Firstly, research results have no impact if they are not shared with a community of peers and eventually society as a whole. Scientists working in the same research area often check each others results by repeating similar experiments. There is a great deal of both cooperation and competition in the scientific community. Contrary to popular belief science is in fact an incredibly creative process, that includes elements of challenge, surprise, careful planning, patience and persistance. It is the inquisitive mind that drives scientific progress. Now that you have been more thoroughly introduced to the nature of science, lets try that survey from the beginning of this unit again.
1. A scientific hypothesis is best described as an "educated guess."
2. Failure to disprove a hypothesis proves that the hypothesis is correct.
3. Scientific theories are never questioned.
4. A scientific theory is based on educated guesses and is not backed up by facts/data.
5. Scientists that contribute data that contradicts an established theory are not highly regarded in the scientific community.
6. In order for an investigation to be considered scientific, a controlled experiment must be used.
7. Scientific facts are never questioned.
8. Science can only answer questions about things that can be seen and observed.
9. Untestable hypotheses fall outside the realm of scientific inquiry.
Anyone can practice science, even if they don't have highly specialized scientific education and training.
Which of the above are true?

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