20.08.2020 • 

Identify the 3 particles found in an atom, where in the atom they are located and their charge. Describe three patterns, or trends, that exist between elements on the periodic table. What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture? DBA Prompts for Module 3 Module # 3 DBA 8 The chocolate in your favorite candy bar has the chemical formula: C7H8N4O2 . What elements are present in this formula? How many atoms of each element are in this molecule? Using some of the trends that you described in question 2, what patterns do you notice between these elements on the periodic table? (Hint!: Be sure to refer to your periodic table to answer this question!) What are two examples of acids and two examples of bases that may be found in your kitchen? Describe two physical or chemical properties of each acid or base that helped you identify them. Identify one source of carbon that can found in each of these four spheres: atmosphere (air), geosphere (land), biosphere (living organisms) and hydrosphere (water). The mitochondria has been described as the engine of the cell. Why is this a fitting nickname? How is this organelle involved in the process of cellular respiration? Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants. Why is this process important to animals and humans? How are the processes of cellular respiration, photosynthesis and carbon cycle related to each other? Explain how one of the processes discussed in this module (photosynthesis, cellular respiration or the carbon cycle) apply to both the Law of Conservation of Matter and Law of Conservation of Energy.

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